Thursday, February 9, 2012


 There are a lot of important facts and statistics about global warming and how its destroying the earth. Although, three main points really stick out to me. The danger of greenhouse gases,global temperatures, and weather changes are really important facts and statistics about how bad global warming actually is. first, the danger of green house gases and what it can do to the earth. All the problems with green house gases is called the greenhouse effect. The green house effect is when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat causing it to warm the earth. These gases let in light but keep heat from leaving, a lot like the glass walls of a greenhouse hints the "green house" effect. In addition, we have to worry about the global temperature problems caused by the green house effect. These temperatures globally can cause areas of the global to inhabit life making life have to move or relocate. Finally, these weather changes cause by the green house gases can be a major issue as well. These weather changes can make areas that are use to being extremely hot to very cold making life hard to live in areas. To conclude, causes like the danger of green house gases, global temperature, and weather changes are real issues that are important facts or statistics about global warming.

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